Life Returning to Normal?

On Thursday night, Justine and I made a first tentative step towards things feeling like they are getting somewhat back to normal, post-COVID. We headed downtown and went to the Orpheum theatre to see a concert! The show was the Bahamas, one of Justine’s favs with Madison Cunningham as the opening act.

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A Week on Galiano for Justine’s Birthday

In our continuing experiments to understand cottage living, and how well we can work from Galiano, we decide to spend 10 days on Galiano, starting with Justine’s birthday weekend and through the following week. We got some work done around the property, had some great wildlife encounters and spent a lot of time indoors hiding from the weather. We ended up heading home on the Monday morning in the middle of the torrential “atmospheric river” that devastated the rest of BC.

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A Visit with Kathryn and Nesto

As things start to get back to more of “normal”, it’s been good to start catching up with people again. We had most of my family out at the beginning of September, and in October an old family friend of Justine’s came to visit for a few days. It was great to have Kathryn and Nesto come stay and see Vancouver.

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Fall Catch-up

It’s been a very busy fall for Justine and I, so there hasn’t been a lot of activities to report on, and we haven’t spent as much time on Galiano as we have throughout the year. Plus the weather has been awful - 150 mm of rain in September, triple our normal amount. Don’t get me wrong - we needed it, but it didn’t lead to many adventures or photos to share. To wrap up the last month or so, I thought I’d pull together a few random photos into one “catch-up” post.

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Summer Update - the Random Collection

So it comes to an end. It’s been kind of fun sorting through almost a summer’s worth of photos to create the “Summer Update” series. While many of them fit into some clear and obvious categories, I suspected there would be a bunch that didn’t really fit. And so we come to the last post in the collection. This will be pretty random, so consider yourselves warned…

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Summer Update - the Orchard

Continuing the “update” posts, I wanted to share some progress on the orchard we planted in the spring. As many of you will have heard, the deer devastated the trees the night we planted them (didn’t get the fencing up fast enough), so what looked like a promising first year got ruined. Still, there are some fun bits to share, and progression to be seen over the past few months.

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Summer Update - the Cottage

I have photos from 4-5 similar trips to share. So instead of going chronological, I thought I’d try a few posts built on a specific theme - starting with a cottage update. So for this post, I’m going to go through historically and try and find a bunch of photos that shows the progress we’ve made on the cottage over the past 2-3 months.

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The Big 5-0 Birthday Weekend

As many of you are probably well aware, I turned 50 this year. I can barely wrap my head around this fact, but it is true nonetheless. For my 50th, we spent the weekend on Galiano and while it was a busy work weekend, it was also a lot of fun. Not exactly what we had planned - Justine and I were supposed to have gone to Africa. But you know… COVID and all, so those plans will have to wait.

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Building our Gardens

One of my main goals for this spring was to start an orchard of fruit trees and to build out a garden. Both are relatively ambitious projects, and the travel restrictions from the pandemic have made it difficult to manage. Over the past month, we had bought a lot of trees, ordered materials for the garden and got in a position to put it all together.

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Birds and Blossoms

We decided to spend the Easter long weekend at home, rather than go over to the island. The weather didn’t look like it was going to be great, and we were able to book a trip to Reifel on Saturday. This will be a short post mostly of pictures taken while out on walks while the sun was shining, plus some of the birds while at Reifel.

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