A Beautiful Day Trip on Galiano

Saturday, we took a break from being at home and made a day trip over to Galiano to make sure everything was in good standing. It has been a month since we had been over, and it looked like it was going to be a nice day. We ended up with amazing view of the mountains, and even saw both humpbacks and orcas from the property!

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A Fall Visit to Reifel

With the fall surge in the COVID pandemic, we’re once again stuck closer to home. Justine was quick and booked a slot on Sunday morning to head down to Reifel and spend the morning out on the trails, and doing some bird watching. The weather has been beautiful, so it was great to get out of the house and get some fresh air.

I’m not going to add a lot of commentary - just pictures of birds, so you are forewarned….

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Halloween on Galiano

We booked a cottage to spend Halloween weekend on Galiano. A couple of months back, Justine had organized a foraging tour on the island with Swallow Tail Tours. We had done a couple of event with Chef Robin previously, and we were hoping she could help us make more out of our time on the island. Justine booked a combo mushroom/sea foraging session and had organized a number of the neighbors on Panorama Lane to join us

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A Day Trip to Sasquatch

We decided to stay home over the Thanksgiving long weekend, but as we did not want to sit around the house all weekend we decided to make a day trip and go for a drive and do a hike. We didn’t want to force a huge, long hike but also wanted to get a little ways out from the city. So we decided to head east and up to Sasquatch Provincial Park to do a reasonable hike around Hick’s Lake.

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Fraser River Evening Walk

Justine and I have been pretty good about getting out for walks during these COVID times. Mostly it’s been very local - within the neighborhood - but every once in a while we go a little further afield. The other afternoon, a bit spur-of-the-moment, we decided to go for a walk along the Fraser River at the south end of Vancouver.

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A Week on Galiano

The first week of September, just after Labour Day I decided to take a week off work and spend it at the island. I was hoping the weather would stay nice, and that following weekend our friends Katie and John were coming to spend the weekend with us. For me, it was a chance to tackle a bunch of projects, as well as try and relax and enjoy myself a bit.

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Vancouver Mural Festival

Every year, there is a Vancouver Mural Festival where artists are invited to brighten up parts of our city. It’s been going on for 5 years, and there are some pretty cool things around town after this amount of time. Last week, Justine, Nicole (a friend of Justine’s) and I took a few hours one night to follow the app and ride around the east side of town to have a look.

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A Weekend on Galiano with Ethan and Addison

A while ago, we offered to take Ethan and Addison for a weekend, and bring them over to Galiano with us. Time is passing by very quickly, and the weekend was upon us! Stu and Tammy dropped the kids off on Friday night, and we were booked on the ferry on Saturday morning, with a return on Monday morning. That gave us a couple of full days to have some fun!

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A Full Week on Galiano

It’s been a pretty slow year for interesting blog posts - I’m sure most of my tiny audience is getting sick of hearing about Galiano. Believe me, I wish we were still travelling to interesting places, to make these posts a little more exciting. But with COVID-19, it is what it is, and so for a break from the monotony of home, we took a week off and spent it on the island. It was a combination of some time with friends, a little bit of relaxing, some small adventures and a lot of work to be done.

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Snowy Vancouver

The past week or so we’ve had our annual blast of winter. Not what the rest of Canada is used to, but for us out here on the west coast it’s a bit of a hassle. Still, it’s unusual and the city is quite beautiful in the snow. I got home a bit late the other night, just as the snow started up again and so I decided to head out for a bit and see what my camera could capture.

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