Snowy Vancouver

The past week or so we’ve had our annual blast of winter. Not what the rest of Canada is used to, but for us out here on the west coast it’s a bit of a hassle. Still, it’s unusual and the city is quite beautiful in the snow. I got home a bit late the other night, just as the snow started up again and so I decided to head out for a bit and see what my camera could capture.

I converted a few of the shots to black and white, to see how they worked out.

This was one of the odder scenes I encountered that evening.

The snow stopped as I was out, and so it was time to head home and head to bed.

The snow actually stopped while I was out, but eventually started up again and by the next morning we had another 6” or so. That was enough to cause some traffic headaches and was enough for Justine and I to stay home and work from the house.

As usual, once we get any amount of snow our street shuts down.

It was actually a reasonable amount of snow.

Enough for the buses to get stuck on 6th Ave anyway

We won’t be using the roof for a while.

That night, after dinner, Justine and I went out for a walk to see what everything looked like. Most people had stayed how, so there was still a lot of fresh snow about.

Heading down the stairs to the seawall

Not a common sight…

Hopefully that’s all the “winter” we’ll get. One dumping of snow is nice - much more than that and it becomes a real hassle!