Guess What More Birds!

I’ve been making almost weekly trips out to the Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary, since I have somuch time on my hands. Other than the cost of getting there. it’s a cheap way to spend a few hours, and there’s always something interesting to see.

The sandhill cranes were nesting - this one has a clutch of eggs!

The sandhill cranes are nesting right now - there’s one very prominent nest, with a pair looking after a clutch of eggs. Hopefully they will hatch soon and I can see what the little ones look like. This trip, some of the younger birds seemed to be practicing their mating dances, which was kind of interesting.

Tree swallows mating.

The swallows are also mating, and there were some great displays from them. Also, the hummingbirds were in abundance - a couple of different types. After hanging out until closing time, I headed over to Boundary Bay for a little while. Sadly, it was a quiet afternoon, with not a lot to see.

Rufous Hummingbird

After hanging out for a little while, I headed home.

Coyote out at Boundary Bay.