The weather the past week has been uncharacteristically beautiful - cool and clear. I’m sure it cannot last, and so to take advantage Justine and I drove down to Boundary Bay to go for a walk along the trails and see what we could see.
Read MoreA Fall Visit to Reifel
With the fall surge in the COVID pandemic, we’re once again stuck closer to home. Justine was quick and booked a slot on Sunday morning to head down to Reifel and spend the morning out on the trails, and doing some bird watching. The weather has been beautiful, so it was great to get out of the house and get some fresh air.
I’m not going to add a lot of commentary - just pictures of birds, so you are forewarned….
Read MoreDeer Lake Park - Fall Walk
The weather this past weeked has been really nice and we wanted to make the most out of it. So we decided to head to BUrnaby and go for a walk around Deer Lake, at Deer Lake Park. It wasn’t the most exciting trip, but it was a nice day and we got outside for a bit.
Read MoreThe Start of Fall on Galiano
A quick weekend trip to Galiano, and our first trip after taking down the tent. Fall has arrived, and it’s time to move inside!
Read MoreFraser River Evening Walk
Justine and I have been pretty good about getting out for walks during these COVID times. Mostly it’s been very local - within the neighborhood - but every once in a while we go a little further afield. The other afternoon, a bit spur-of-the-moment, we decided to go for a walk along the Fraser River at the south end of Vancouver.
Read MoreA First Post-COVID Visit to Reifel
Reifel has been one of our favorite places to visit over the years, but even it wasn’t spared the effect of COVID. They had to close back in March, and didn’t reopen until late in July. Justine and I finally got to head back this past weekend, and while the experience was a little different, it was still great to get back.
Read MoreFinishing a Project... and a Comet!?!
We were back to Galiano this weekend - a bit longer, extending from Friday night and coming back Monday morning. This gave us more time to wrap up a couple of projects, and gave us the added benefits of a clear Sunday night, where we were able to see Comet NEOWISE!
Read MoreSome fun with Video
A short video of Galiano Island.
Read MoreSpring-time in Vancouver
It feels like the weather has finally turned, and we’re headed into spring. Justine and I went out for a walk to enjoy the sunshine, and came across quite a few indications that maybe spring has arrived!
Read MoreA Wet Galiano Weekend
It’s been a busy start to the new year. Between our annual sales conference and a short trip to San Antonio for DISTRIBUTECH (an annual utility trade show), I had planned a weekend on Galiano. As Justine was a way in Europe, a friend and I had planned to go over to build a wood shed, but something came up and so I was on my own.
Read MoreNew Year's on Galiano
We spent New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day on Galiano. It was a short trip, and it mostly rained the whole time. But we got to relax a bit, played with our new toy, got some work done and had a few great wildlife sightings. There’s never a dull visit!
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