Saturday afternoon I took a trip out to Reifel to shoot some birds. It was a very quiet day (bird-wise), with not a lot going on, but still it was nice to be out in the sunshine, and wandering about. The Sanctuary was surprisingly quiet as well (people-wise), which was nice. Not a lot of bigger birds, but there were lots of hummingbirds about.
Read MoreA couple of random things
A quick, random post before I get to writing a couple of real posts on some of my recent travels. Our home in a commercial and a Waterlogue example.
Read MoreMount Gardner on Bowen Island
Sunday of the long weekend my friend Bill and I did a hike up Mount Gardner on Bowen Island. As with most things that I do, this ended up being more difficult than it needed to be.
Read MoreTofino - A Long Weekend on the Island
We spent the past weekend at a very cool house on Chesterman Beach near Tofino, on the west coast of Vancouver Island. It was an excellent weekend spent with friends and family, with a little bit of "surfing" thrown in for good measure
Read MoreA Few Bird Shots from Reifel
We had a nice day out at Reifel and Boundary Bay
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