We were out running some errands are were close enough to Delta to make it worthwhile heading a little further out to go for a walk along the dyke at Boundary Bay. We’ve had lots of luck there, and while the time of day wasn’t great, we figured it was worth it, even just to get in a bit of a walk.
Read MoreA Quick Week in Pune India
After a quick stop in France, it was onwards for the main part of my trip. I was kicking off a big project that the team in India was taking the lead on, and I needed to spend some time and work with them. I was going to be in the office for a week, arriving Friday and staying through the following Saturday. While there was not a lot of time for sightseeing, there were a few interesting things to share.
Read MoreA Quick Stop in Toulouse on the way to India
I was headed to India for work, and as I was traveling through Europe to get there, it was quite inexpensive to add a stop in Toulouse along the way. It had been quite a long time since my last trip to Toulouse, so it seemed like a good idea to stop in and see the team and to have a chance to meet up with some old friends.
Read MoreSnowy Vancouver
Starting on Tuesday night, we got a serious blast of winter. By the time it was all done with, we apparently got 28cm of snow, making it something like the 4th biggest single day snowfall in the city’s recorded history. On Wednesday, we got out for a walk in the afternoon, as it was still coming down, to enjoy the snow. We don’t get a lot, and it is a bit magical when we do.
Read MoreSnowy Galiano
With my long trip to France and India coming up, we needed to head over to Galiano to check up on things. We were also about to have our first real blast of winter, and we wanted to make sure the place was holding up to the cold temperatures. We had planned to go over Friday night, but the weather was rough and the ferries got cancelled. Justine was on the bal and had booked a second ferry for Saturday morning, so we got there a day later than we had planned. And yes, winter had arrived…
Read MoreHappy New Years from Galiano
After arriving back from Toronto, we had one quick day at home to unpack and get things organized before we headed over to Galino for New Year’s Eve. We were staying for a few days into the new year which was unseasonably warm but gave us an opportunity to get out and do a few things and continue some projects around the property.
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