A Last Spring Flowers Post

If you’re not much into flowers, this probably isn’t the post for you… I made my first trip into the US for work, heading down to Bellevue for the day. As it’s that time of year, I took my time coming back and stopped in some of the Tulip Festival sites that run each spring. And while spring has been significantly delayed this year, the blossoms around the city have been amazing.

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Spring Projects Continue

We headed over to Galiano for another week-long stay. This approach has been working well for us - it gives us time to relax, time to do some projects and stay well connected with work. StarLink has made a huge difference in that respect. As our weekends seem to be getting busy (more on that to come), it really provides some great flexibility. We’re making good progress, and this trip provided enough good weather to tackle a few things.

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Spring Flowers!

Spring is finally arriving! After what has felt like a very long winter, the spring blossoms have started to appear. I am way over due on some updates, so i will work on pulling a number of posts together, starting with this very quick one with lots of flowers from a walk around the neighborhood earlier this week!

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Spring Projects

I’ve been lax on updates on the progress on Galiano. It’s been a very productive sproing for us, as we’ve tackled many projects (and spent way too much money) getting a lot done around the cottage. I thought I’d use this post to catch up on a bunch of them.

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