On a recent trip to Galiano, I spent some time just taking pictures of the birds from the deck of the cottage. I thought I’d throw them up here - not a lot to add, just some fun pictures.
Read MoreGaliano Boating Weekend
After a month away (for me - 3 weeks for Jus) we finally got back to Galiano. In addition to the usual work around the property, we had some fun things lines up. My friend David has a boat and had booked a weekend at Montague Harbour with his family. They were coming up to our place for a BBQ on Saturday, then had offered to take us out on the boat on Sunday!
Read MoreGaliano Early May Update
The spring (such that it is) is getting really busy for us, so with a lot of events and trips planned, our visits to Gaiano are going to be less frequent. I thought I’d give a quick update from our last trip and to show the progress of the gardens and such.
Read MoreSpring Projects Continue
We headed over to Galiano for another week-long stay. This approach has been working well for us - it gives us time to relax, time to do some projects and stay well connected with work. StarLink has made a huge difference in that respect. As our weekends seem to be getting busy (more on that to come), it really provides some great flexibility. We’re making good progress, and this trip provided enough good weather to tackle a few things.
Read MoreSpring Projects
I’ve been lax on updates on the progress on Galiano. It’s been a very productive sproing for us, as we’ve tackled many projects (and spent way too much money) getting a lot done around the cottage. I thought I’d use this post to catch up on a bunch of them.
Read MoreWinter Projects on Galiano
I am once again falling behind on updates! While there hasn’t been a lot going on at home or at work, we’ve made a couple of trips over to Galiano to make progress on a few of the projects we’re trying to get done over the winter. This post gets us caught up on two trips - a short weekend visit and a longer 10-day trip over.
Read MoreWinter Weather on Galiano
I got back from Ontario on New Year’s Eve, and we had booked a ferry to head to Galiano on New Year’s Day. We were just going for a couple of days to check on things, as there had been a fair bit of snow and since it’s so rare, we wanted to see how things were looking in the snow.
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