I am getting further and further behind on post to the web site, and the next few weeks are likely to increase the backlog rather than decrease it. This past weekend, Justine and I were able to complete one major project on Galiano that we had been working on for quite some time.
Read MoreA Visit to Salt Spring
Our friends Katie and John came to visit us on Galiano over the weekend. On the Saturday, we decide to make our second trip on David’s boat, and thought we’d try a bit of a longer journey. We decide to try crossing the channel to go to Salt Spring Island and check out the famous Saturday Market.
Read MoreBoating Adventures - Whales!
A couple of posts back, I introduced my friend David that took us out on his boat when he and his family came for a visit to Galiano. Now David is a much better friend then we deserve. He has another boat, a much smaller one on a trailer that he offered us to use for the rest of the summer! On this trip we took the boat out for a maiden voyage…
Read MoreWinter Weather on Galiano
I got back from Ontario on New Year’s Eve, and we had booked a ferry to head to Galiano on New Year’s Day. We were just going for a couple of days to check on things, as there had been a fair bit of snow and since it’s so rare, we wanted to see how things were looking in the snow.
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