This past weekend Justine and I went out to Reifel to have a walk in the sunshine and see what was around. We’ve had so much rain this fall (after the drought that was the summer) that it was wonderful to see the sun for a whole weekend. It was a bit cold (close to freezing) but we’d take the sun!
Read MoreExploring Delta in the Fall
I’ve pulled together a couple of posts into one from some time spent exploring around Delta. We normally spend a fair bit of time at Reifel, but we also spent an afternoon walking on the dyke nearby - not something we’ve done before.
Read MoreSummer Update - Critters and Birds
This time I thought I’d pull together all the interesting pictures of birds and beasts and other critters we’ve seen about over the past few months. It definitely has slowed, especially for the birds. I’m sure they’re still about, but now that mating season has passed, it’s a lot more quiet at 5:00 a.m.
Read MoreThe Big 5-0 Birthday Weekend
As many of you are probably well aware, I turned 50 this year. I can barely wrap my head around this fact, but it is true nonetheless. For my 50th, we spent the weekend on Galiano and while it was a busy work weekend, it was also a lot of fun. Not exactly what we had planned - Justine and I were supposed to have gone to Africa. But you know… COVID and all, so those plans will have to wait.
Read MoreBuilding our Gardens
One of my main goals for this spring was to start an orchard of fruit trees and to build out a garden. Both are relatively ambitious projects, and the travel restrictions from the pandemic have made it difficult to manage. Over the past month, we had bought a lot of trees, ordered materials for the garden and got in a position to put it all together.
Read MoreBirds and Blossoms
We decided to spend the Easter long weekend at home, rather than go over to the island. The weather didn’t look like it was going to be great, and we were able to book a trip to Reifel on Saturday. This will be a short post mostly of pictures taken while out on walks while the sun was shining, plus some of the birds while at Reifel.
Read MoreA Walk out to the End of Iona Jetty
As I mentioned in my first post, it hasn’t been all that interesting a start to the New Year. This weekend we took advantage of some sunshine to try another local walk that Justine has never done, and that I hadn’t done in years. Iona Jetty is just north of the airport and sticks almost 5 km out into the ocean. Iona park also provides an interesting spot for seeing birds, and this trip we got lots of snow geese!
Read MoreA Walk Around Stanley Park
2021 is here (thankfully) but is off to a bit of a slow start. I have a sense that it’s going to get more interesting, but for now there hasn’t been a lot to share. A couple of weekends ago we headed over to Stanley Park and did the full walk around the seawall. The weather wasn’t amazing, but it didn’t rain, and there were a few interesting birds about.
Our weekend walk around the seawall.
There’s not a lot to say - it was a bit of a grey, overcast day. But it was warm enough and didn’t rain on us, so we’ll call it a win. It was good to get out and walk and get some fresh air. I’ll throw up some of the pictures I took - none of them great, but there were a few fun things to see.
Out on the straight between Stanley Park and North Vancouver, there were big flocks of Surf Scoters.
A female Bufflehead in flight.