Saturday morning Justine and I headed down to the George C. Reifel Migratory bird sanctuary to see what was going on. It wa sa nice morning, if a bit cool, and a nice day for a walk. I’m not going to add much commentary but instead will just be a post with a lot of photos.
Read MoreGaliano Visit for Justine's Birthday
We’ve had a busy stretch - Justine was “away (from home)” for 6 weeks straight, and this trip made it 2/3 weekends on the island. This one was a work weekend coupled with some relaxing, celebrating Justine’s birthday.
Read MoreWeaver Creek Salmon Spawning
Justine was away and I had a weekend to myself at home - a rare thing indeed! So on Saturday I took a little day trip to the Weaver Creek Salmon Spawning channel, hoping to catch the peak of the salmon run.
Read MoreAugust Weekend on Galiano with Whales! Lots of Whales!
After getting back from our vacation I had a short work trip (not worth writing about), and then Justine and I headed back over to Galiano with our friend Katie. I had a lot of riding to do, and as it turned out we were in for a bit of a treat - lots of whale sightings! It was a fun weekend!
Read MoreA Work Weekend on the Island
Justine was off in France for work, so I headed over to Galiano for the weekend to get some work done around the property. There are lots of projects that need to get done.
Read MoreMom and Dad's First Visit to Galiano
Mom and Dad came out west for a visit and of course wanted to see our “new” place on Galiano. We spent a full weekend, heading over Friday morning and coming back Sunday afternoon. As we have with all of our visitors, we put them to work a little bit, but it was mostly a fun trip with lost of exploring.
Read MoreOspreys in Charlotte
I have been on the road for over three weeks now, starting in late May. I had a trip to Charlotte NC, and then from there it was off to France for a week and a half. The, immediately on getting back I had a long-planned golf trip with some friends to the Okanagan. So I have a lot to catch up on, a few photos to process, and some blogs to write. With Mom and Dad coming to visit later this week, I doubt I’m going to get caught up any time soon!
Read MoreLate May Visit to Reifel - A Great Egret!
Justine and I headed over to Refeil for a wander. We had a great day, seeing many new species (for us), including one that isn’t even supposed to be here - a Great Egret!
Read MoreA Trip to Reifel with Friends
It’s been a busy start to the year, and strangely we haven’t been to Reifel since January. We also haven’t seen our friends Stuart and Jo since they have their new baby, almost a month ago. So we killed two birds with one stone (so to speak…) and met Stuart, Jo, Sova and Matisse (for the first time!) at Reifel for a walk in the sunshine.
Read MoreA Beautiful Spring Day on Galiano
It had been over a month since we were last over to the island to see the property. The (relatively speaking) harsh winter had put most of our plans on hold, but the contractors we were working with finally were able to start work on our utility building project and some landscaping work. We were anxious to see what progress had been made.
Read MoreSnowy Galiano
Justine and I spent a snowy day on Galiano. It was supposed to be a busy day working on the property, but the weather had other plans.
Read MoreFebruary Trip to Reifel
You guys are all probably getting tired of pictures of birds. Sadly, my travel of late has been uninteresting, so I’m limited in the choices. Hopefully that will change soon, but for now - birds!
Read MoreA First Weekend on Galiano - Surveying the Storm Damage
Justine was off in Australia, so I was on my own for the weekend before having to head to Atlanta. Over the Christmas break, BC got hit by what was described as the worst storm in the province’s history. The Gulf Islands were particularly hard hit, with it taking almost 2 1/2 weeks to get full power restored to Galiano. We knew we had some storm damage on the property, so I headed over to see how bad it was and start the clean-up process.
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