This past weekend was a very fun and busy one! We had a lot going on, so I thought I'd throw up a few pics to remember it.
The extended event weekend started off with a concert Thursday night at the Queen Elizabeth Theater. The Bahamas, one of Justine's favorite bands were in town. We met up with our friend Jo and one of her friends, and had a great time at the show. Justine had snagged us front row balcony seats, so we had a great view for the show. It was a fun night, and a great start to the weekend.
The Bahamas!
Friday was a typical work day, made all the longer by the anticipation of the 2018 Vancouver International Wine Festival. This might be my favorite night of the year!
The spotlight country was the combination of Spain and Portugal, which made for some delicious wine tasting!
Our friend Katie came with again this year, and we had a super-fun night. There were lots of surprising wines - especially the whites - as well as the expected big reds, and some amazing ports!
As usual, we were there right from the opening of the tasting room, but surprisingly were done before they threw us out. Still we ended up buying almost a case of new wines to add to the collection.
Saturday was pretty quiet, for the most part. It required that we recover from the festivities of Friday night. Still, we needed to do something, so we met up with Katie again and went to see the new Black Panther movie. It was excellent, and every time we go I love our local "new" adults-only theater more and more. No kids and they server beer and wine. Ideal really.
Sunday started as always with hockey, but the focus of the day was the afternoon kick off of the MLS season, and the home opener of our Vancouver Whitecaps FC! We get to 5-6 games a year, and like to try and get to the home opener. Our friends Stuart and Ian have season tickets, and we try and meet up with them at the games.
This time we met for a beer at a local pub before the game and got caught up. It had been a while, so it was good to chat. The game was really good, and the home team came away with the win over Montreal.
Whitecaps home opener.
It was an excellent ending to a very fun weekend. But I really need more sleep.
An amazing sunset to cap off an amazing, eventful weekend!