Backcountry Camping at Garibaldi Lake

This summer, Justine and I are planning to do a series of backcountry hiking/camping, with a goal of doing a few days on the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). We've both done this before, but it's been a while, so we decide to start with something easy to test out our gear, and make sure everything was set. We decided to do one night up at Garibaldi Lake, which is a beautiful setting, and only about 9.5 km from the parking lot. Mind you, that's all uphill...

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Canada 150 in Whistler

I have a lot of catch up to do on the blog, so I'll start with the most recent and work my way backwards. For Canada Day weekend, our friends Graham and Colleen were visiting and had a place up in Whistler. We decided to go hang with them and spend the weekend in the mountains.

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Nice and Monaco

Another old post from the summer. The continuation of my two-week trip to Europe, left me with a weekend to myself, to find some new adventures. I was coming from Copenhagen, and needed to end up in Toulouse, but it was up to me to decide where to stay in between. I settled on Nice, in the south of France on the Mediterranean, as it was a place I had not been before, and it looked like fun.

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Lava Hikes and Waterfalls

We had an incredible last full day on the Big Island. We got to see the lava fountain into the ocean; watched an active lava flow creep across the island, and walked on lava that had hardened less than 10 minutes earlier. Then we drove some of the incredible coast, and stopped at some amazing waterfalls. We wrapped up our day at Volcano House, and had dinner in the glow of the crater.

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A Crazy Day on the Big Island

Our second day in Hawaii was packed full of adventure. We started the day with a trip over to the crater at sunrise, followed by a hike along the Kilauea-iki Trail. We spent some time exploring the nearby town of Hilo and some amazing gardens, before heading out on our evening adventure to the summit of Mauna Kea! Our busiest day by far, on what was turning out to be a not very relaxing vacation.

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