It was a beautiful, sunny day, so we decided to head down to Reifel to see what was going on. (Sorry for the re-post - I managed to delete the first one!)
Read MoreA Trip to Reifel to Try out my New Camera!
I purchased a new camera recently, and Reifel seemed like the perfect place to try it out.
Read MoreA Summer Trip to Reifel
We don't often make it to Reifel in the summer, as the bird life is at it's lowest. Still, it's a beautiful place to wander on sunny afternoon, and there's always something interesting to see.
Read MoreWeekend with the Kids
Justine and I had Ethan and Addison spend most of the weekend with us. We went to the Whitecaps game, did some crafts, had a sleep over and spent some time at Reifel. It was a very fun weekend.
Read MoreA Weekend in Aix - Part III
My last day in Aix was a relatively short one. I was taking the train to Paris in the afternoon, so I really only had the morning to explore.
Read MoreA Weekend in Aix - Part II
Part II of my weekend in Aix. The morning had been busy already, so there was no point in stopping. The afternoon was equally busy, and I ended up retracing many of my steps, chasing the light.
Read MoreAnother Visit to Reifel
Saturday was sunny and beautiful, and Justine and I were enjoying a bit of a down weekend. We spent a few hours Saturday morning wandering at Refiel, seeing what birds were about.
Read MoreAnother Trip to Reifel
It was a beautiful, sunny Saturday and I decided to head down to Reifel to see what was going on.
Read MoreHappy New Year! A Visit to Reifel
Happy New Year! It was a beautiful day, so after lounging around watching football and hockey, Justine and I drove down to Reifel to spend the day outside. We had some great sightings - the two great horned owls were the highlight - and spent the day in the sunshine.
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