Gouda and Delft - Exploring More of the Netherlands

Today we had decided to explore a little bit more of the Netherlands and do a bit of a day trip out from our place here in Utrecht. We were up at a pretty good hour, had a little bit to eat, and got ourselves organized to head out for the day. We were going to be driving everywhere, and so we were able to take everything with us that we would need for the day. We were heading west, with the ultimate destination of the town of Delft. But rather than heading straight there, we decided to make a stop in the town of Gouda, along the way.

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Back to Exploring - Zwolle and Utrecht

It’s hard to believe that we’ve already been in the Netherlands for over a week, but the time has flown by, and here we are. Today we left Edwin’s place and continue to explore the country on our own. Our destination for today was the city of Utrecht, with a plan to take out time and explore. We were stopping at a smaller city called Zwolle along the way, as I had seen that they have some amazing architecture to explore.

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Family Reunions

Today’s post focuses on two days of meeting new family - well new for me anyway. Saturday was the main reunion that we had come to the Netherlands for; and Sunday we visited with my Grandmother’s sister, who had been unable to make the trip on Saturday, as her husband is dealing with some medical issues. It was amazing to meet everyone, and once again I’m blown away by how well everyone speaks English!

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Den Hague and on to Texel

After a brief hiatus, I’m back to getting some of the Netherlands posts togather. This post covers departing from the Hague and headng up to Texel, an island in the North Sea. We were spending a couple of days there as it was a spot that Mom really wanted to see. We had some fun stops along the way, as we headed as far north as this trip would take us.

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Netherlands: Leiden and The Hague

We arrived in the Netherlands and picked up a rental car for our couple of weeks of exploration and family visits. Our first stop was less than an hour south of the airport in Leiden. Leiden is a university town where a friend of the family lives, and who invited us to stop in and visit for the day before we headed on to The Hague for a couple of days.

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