We’ve finally made it - the last full post from our trip! I’ll try and get to proper photos soon, but for now, let’s wrap up the journey.
We had half a day to explore Lisbon further before heading to the airport to start the journey home. We were stopping in London which gave us the chance to meet up with Justine’s parents and her family friends for an entertaining night out.
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On Friday, we are off to Europe (Scotland and Portugal) for a much needed vacation! So there are not going to be many posts for a while, until well after we’re back. This past week, before we headed out, we had a couple of fun local events - Julius Caesar at Bard on the Beach and Feast of Fields.
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In the summer, we like to spend as much time on Galiano as we can. With the addition of StarLink we’ve been able to work from the cottage, which has meant that we can also stay for longer stretches. This trip was two full weekends, bookended around the week of work. It meant we were able to tackle a few projects and also that we were lucky enough to catch up with some friends that came to visit Galiano.
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On Canada Day, we had a little excursion over to Saturna Island with our friend David and his family for their annual Canada Day Lamb BBQ! It was a great day on the water, as David picked us up in Sturdies Bay and we boated over to Saturna and spent a lovely day celebrating Canada Day!
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We had a couple of weeks back home in Vancouver and the timing could not have been better! We had a surprise Visit from Alex and we had a fun weekend in Squamish planned with our friends Nicole and Anthony.
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The weekend before my birthday, the Vancouver Whitecaps were playing an away game in Portland. We’ve gone to these games a number of times over the years (this was my 4th) and so we decide to take a couple of days off and make a 4-day weekend out of it. The game was great, we had some fun in Portland, got out to our favorite winery, and took the long way home along the coast. Our friend Stuart came down for the game as well, and we had a great weekend!
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This will be a first in a series of posts on my trip to Pune India from late March/early April. It was an interesting trip and I have lots of photos to get through and share. This post captures a few of the details on the long trip to India, the hotel that I was staying at and the details on my first day.
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I’m taking a short break from the Maui posts to add an entry for some of the more interesting things we’ve been up to over the past week or so. It’s been a very busy time since we came back from Maui, and with the upcoming trip to India, time is just flying by. This post covers some fun rugby and soccer events we attended, as well as a weekend spent in the great outdoors!
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