A Last Summer Trip to Galiano

Through the end of August and the first weekend of September, we were spending our longest stretch so far this year on Galiano. While we were working during the week, we had two full weekends, including the long weekend to enjoy island time. On the long weekend we were doing our annual Panorama Lane Party with all the neighbors! And with Dana and Bradley hosting, it was guaranteed to be an event!

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A Longer Galiano July Visit

In the summer, we like to spend as much time on Galiano as we can. With the addition of StarLink we’ve been able to work from the cottage, which has meant that we can also stay for longer stretches. This trip was two full weekends, bookended around the week of work. It meant we were able to tackle a few projects and also that we were lucky enough to catch up with some friends that came to visit Galiano.

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The Caterpillar Apocalypse - and Lots of Birds!

We spent a full week on Galiano with big plans to tackle lots of projects around the property. That came to a crashing halt as we discovered how bad the tent caterpillar apocalypse had become. I’ll share some of the details, an update on how the gardens are doing and because it’s migration and nesting season, lots of birds!

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A Crazy-busy Spring Week - Spring Flowers, Baseball, Reifel and a Quick Trip to Galiano

This is going to be a long post that covers quite the range of topics! It’s been a busy couple of weeks for us and we’ve done a lot of different things! I bought a new bike; we went to both Whitecaps (soccer) and Canadians (baseball) games; we got the roof opened up, stopped at Reifel and we made a quick day trip to Galiano. Keep up - I’m going to move fast!

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First Trip of the Year to Galiano

Our plan after returning from Ontario was to spend a few days recharging on Galiano before jumping back into work for the New Year. One of the neighbors on the Lane were hosting a New Year’s Eve party, and we had lots of work to tackle on the property. But we also wanted to carve out some time to relax and explore.

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