Summertime Visit in Ontario

I went back to Ontario to spend a week with Dad and Mom and the family. It was a beautiful week weatherwise, which was nice. It was also the annual “camping” week, where Mom, Lisa and the kids pick a park to set the trailer up at. Which was great as it gave Dad and I some time to spend together. And since the park was only ~40 minutes away, I got to swing by and see everyone a few times.

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Galiano Boating Weekend

After a month away (for me - 3 weeks for Jus) we finally got back to Galiano. In addition to the usual work around the property, we had some fun things lines up. My friend David has a boat and had booked a weekend at Montague Harbour with his family. They were coming up to our place for a BBQ on Saturday, then had offered to take us out on the boat on Sunday!

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