Saturday morning Justine and I headed down to the George C. Reifel Migratory bird sanctuary to see what was going on. It wa sa nice morning, if a bit cool, and a nice day for a walk. I’m not going to add much commentary but instead will just be a post with a lot of photos.
Read MoreLate May Visit to Reifel - A Great Egret!
Justine and I headed over to Refeil for a wander. We had a great day, seeing many new species (for us), including one that isn’t even supposed to be here - a Great Egret!
Read MoreThe First Reifel Visit of 2019
Justine was still in Paris, and after a long week of travel in Atlanta I felt like I needed a walk. Saturday was overcast and a bit grey, but it wasn’t raining to I decided to head down to Reifel for a look around. It turned out to be a pretty great day for a number of reasons.
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