Spring Flowers Around the Neighbourhood

The new building being built on the other side of the bridge is a great addition to the skyline.

The lilac and dogwood at the top of the hill were in full bloom. They don’t last long (especially the dogwood), but they are beautiful.

Better view of the dogwood.

Close up of the dogwood flowers.

View down the street to our building.
Back to Galiano Island

We didn’t have as much time to explore on this trip, but we did stop at Bellhouse Park again. I couldn’t find the chickadees for Aunt Tracy again, but there were other surprises.

Just a nice view…

Everything had grown in since we were there last.

The broom was in full bloom, and everything was blazing yellow.

And then we found a bald eagle sitting on its nest.

The shoreline at the park is pretty nice too.

Some flowers at the ferry terminal.

The view of Mount Baker, heading home on the ferry.