First Day on the Slopes; Vball Starts

I found my new favorite quote:

 "We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true."

  - Robert Wilensky 

How funny is that? And very, very true. This week, the New Year kicked off, and I suspect that it's going to be a very, very busy year. A lot of fun I hope as well, but I think it's going to be crazy. Tuesday night after work I had a bunch of running around to do, which made me notice that it was a surprisingly clear but warm evening. Looking up at the local mountains I decided that I was going to hit the slopes for the first time in three seasons. It's been a while - a couple of fluke injuries at the beginning of the past two winters kept me off the slopes completely. But it seems that skiing is sort of like riding a bike - you don't really forget. After four runs on the green runs, I was right back where I was a couple of seasons ago. OK, well maybe not, but I felt good, and the form wasn't half bad. Rather than overdo it, I kept it to two and a half hours, and managed to get away without hurting myself. Happy days.  :-)

Last night, the indoor volleyball season kicked off again. I passed on the fall season to focus on the marathon training, so I hadn't played ball since about July. And boy was I rusty. Even so, it was a fun night. Again, no injuries and the knees and ankles felt fine. This season is looking promising!

I know that I need to get some more Africa pictures and pictures from Christmas, and will hopefully get to that in the next day or two. We've got our "Winter Party" for work this Saturday night, and I'm thinking of going up to Whistler on Sunday. Now that I've got the skiing bug back again, i may be up there a fair bit...