Jacksonville and Key West

In early December I was invited to join some members of ourr sales team on a trip to Key West for a team building exercise - a chance to get to know the team better and spend some quality time in the sun. It was coupled with a trip to meet with a customer and a partner, so it was an effect trip, and one that I will try and remember the details on almost 2 months after-the-fact.

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Las Vegas - the Sphere and the Arts District

My previous post from our trip to Las Vegas was starting to get a bit long, so I thought I’d post it and pick up the details from the weekend in a separate post. We still had Saturday and Sunday to enjoy our mini vacation and we had lots on the go. We were visiting Las Vegas’ most recent attraction - The Sphere - and then we spent a day exploring the Arts District, where the locals hang out to get away from the Strip.

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Las Vegas and Bruce Springsteen

This past weekend we flew down to Las Vegas for a fun weekend of music and escape from the Vancouver winter. We did not get the weather we had hoped for, and the trip ended up being a day longer than we had planned, but the main event, Bruce Springsteen and E Street Band at T-Mobile Arena was everything I have been imagining and hoping for, for the better part of 40 years. There’s lots to cover…

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