2021 is here (thankfully) but is off to a bit of a slow start. I have a sense that it’s going to get more interesting, but for now there hasn’t been a lot to share. A couple of weekends ago we headed over to Stanley Park and did the full walk around the seawall. The weather wasn’t amazing, but it didn’t rain, and there were a few interesting birds about.
Our weekend walk around the seawall.
There’s not a lot to say - it was a bit of a grey, overcast day. But it was warm enough and didn’t rain on us, so we’ll call it a win. It was good to get out and walk and get some fresh air. I’ll throw up some of the pictures I took - none of them great, but there were a few fun things to see.
Out on the straight between Stanley Park and North Vancouver, there were big flocks of Surf Scoters.
A female Bufflehead in flight.