Golf Trip to the Okanagan

It’s been a busy summer so far. I got back from my trip to Europe, was home for half a day and then was off again on a fun “boys weekend” golfing in the Okanagan. This trip had been planned for over six months, so the timing was not something I could adjust. We played some amazing courses and had a fantastic trip.

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A Trip to Reifel with Friends

It’s been a busy start to the year, and strangely we haven’t been to Reifel since January. We also haven’t seen our friends Stuart and Jo since they have their new baby, almost a month ago. So we killed two birds with one stone (so to speak…) and met Stuart, Jo, Sova and Matisse (for the first time!) at Reifel for a walk in the sunshine.

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A Trip to Europe - Mostly London

For my quarterly trip to Europe to our office in France I extended the trip to do some work with our team in the UK. This mean a few days in London, which is always great. Justine decided to meet me in London, and we added on a few personal days to go and visit with her family in Wales. I’ll probably do a few posts to cover it all off.

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