Saturday morning Justine and I headed down to the George C. Reifel Migratory bird sanctuary to see what was going on. It wa sa nice morning, if a bit cool, and a nice day for a walk. I’m not going to add much commentary but instead will just be a post with a lot of photos.
Read MoreFebruary Trip to Reifel
You guys are all probably getting tired of pictures of birds. Sadly, my travel of late has been uninteresting, so I’m limited in the choices. Hopefully that will change soon, but for now - birds!
Read MoreThe First Reifel Visit of 2019
Justine was still in Paris, and after a long week of travel in Atlanta I felt like I needed a walk. Saturday was overcast and a bit grey, but it wasn’t raining to I decided to head down to Reifel for a look around. It turned out to be a pretty great day for a number of reasons.
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